NOTE: All prices are inclusive of VAT, unless otherwise specified.

All fees are valid for the calendar year within which the fee first becomes payable (the “invoice year”). Any outstanding fees not settled within the invoice year will be recalculated against the fee rate set for the new calendar year (the “deferred year”).

As it applies to any outstanding fees not settled within the invoice year, MBSE reserves the right to charge an additional fee making up the difference between the fee rate set for the invoice year and the deferred year and you will be responsible for the payment of such additional fee.

Higher Education, Further Education and Occupational Qualification

These Terms and Conditions apply to the following Qualifications:

Higher Education Qualifications:

Higher Certificate in Short-term Insurance NQF 5
Higher Certificate in Wealth Management NQF 5
Advanced Certificate in Financial Planning NQF 6
Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning NQF 8

Further Education Qualifications:

Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Short Term Insurance NQF 4
Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Wealth Management NQF 4

Occupational Qualifications:

Occupational Certificate: Professional Principal Executive Officer NQF 7
Occupational Certificate: Compliance Officer NQF 6

1. Certification

1.1 The Higher Education as well as Occupational qualifications and the credits associated with these qualifications, will only be awarded once the FULL QUALIFICATION has been successfully complete.

2. Course Fees

2.1 All Applications will have a non-refundable Application Fee payable, as stipulated in Annexure A.
2.2 The course fees differ for each qualification. Please contact help@mbse.ac.za for the current fees applicable to
the qualification you are registering for.
2.3 Upfront Payment needs to be made for the upcoming semester Modules/ Subjects/ Skills Programmes.
2.4 See Annexure 1 for additional fees that may apply during your studies.
2.5 Methods of payment:
2.5.1 EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer);
2.5.2 Cash deposit at our bank;
2.5.3 No cash or cheques accepted at our offices.
2.6 The Finance Administrator will send a quotation once the online Application has been approved.
2.7 Quotations are issued for the next upcoming semester and will lapse upon the Registration End date.
2.8 Ensure to use your quotation number as reference when making the payment. Ensure that you use the correct banking details (as indicated on the quotation.)
2.9 Proof of payment must be sent to accounts@mbse.ac.za, to complete the Registration process. Note that no study material will be released before proof of payment is received and the student profile is considered complete. If additional fees apply; you will not be allowed to write a re-assessment or submit a formative without the relevant payment being made.
2.10 If your employer is making payment on your behalf and they require a Tax Invoice for payment (as opposed to a quotation), this may be requested from the Administrator, after the quote has been signed by the paying-party.
2.11 Fees paid are not transferable to another student; be that the student is from the same company or external.
2.12 No student will be considered registered for any Module/ Subject/ Skills Programme if the course fee is outstanding.

3. Discount

3.1 The Higher Education as well as Occupational qualifications can be paid in full upfront. A discount may be applicable in this instance if the full qualification is paid upfront prior to the closing date of Registration of the first semester.
3.2 No discount will apply if exemption on any part of a qualification is granted.

4. Discontinuations and Refunds

4.1 Discontinuation:
In case of a discontinuation, a student must submit a completed Discontinuation of Studies form to help@mbse.ac.za. MBSE does not provide for replacement of students with substitute students. MBSE caters for 3 instances of Discontinuation as follows:

4.1.1 Termination
Students can cancel their studies completely during the course of the semester. See 4.2 below for any refund that might be applicable.

4.1.2 Suspension
Students can suspend their studies for a semester in the following instances: Maternity leave Health Reasons Financial Reasons

Amounts paid and unused, will be kept in credit to be used in the subsequent semester. Any fees paid for the semester suspended within the invoice year might be recalculated against the fee rate set for the new invoice year, which can lead to an additional payment when studies are continued.

4.1.3 Module changes
Students can add or remove modules selected for a semester up until the second Friday of the semester. Amounts paid will be kept in credit to be used in the subsequent semester.

4.2 Refunds:
4.2.1 A refund may apply if a student terminates their studies. The student is required to submit all required documentation, along with the completed Refund Request Form to accounts@mbse.ac.za.
4.2.2 A R500 termination fee will apply if a student cancels their studies before the semester starts.
4.2.3 A 20% cancellation fee will apply if a student cancels their studies before the first Formative Assessments are due.
4.2.4 A 40% cancellation fee will apply if a student cancels their studies after the Formative Assessments have started.
4.2.5 No refund is permissible on cancellation after the Formative Assessments have been concluded or on Additional Fees (e.g. re-assessment fees, online tutoring fees etc

5. Attendance; Submission & Completion

5.1 Further Education Qualifications

5.1.1 A student has 6 (six) months to complete each Skills Programme (as part of a qualification) and up to the prescribed time-frame indicated per qualification to complete the full qualification. If the qualification is not completed in the stipulated time-frame, a request for extension may be submitted to the Day Management Committee. All such requests will be deliberated according to merit. A maximum however, of 36 (thirty-six) months will be allowed.

5.1.2 If a student is not able to attend an assessment date as scheduled, he/ she must provide their Administrator with the reason at least 12 (twelve) working days before the scheduled assessment (if possible), or within 5 working days after the assessment in the case of illness. If this is not done within the scheduled time period, the Re-Assessment Fee mentioned in Annexure 1, may apply.

5.1.3 If a student does not attend an assessment for which he/ she was scheduled, and such a student is absent without a valid reason**, the Re-Assessment Fee will be charged for that assessment. Due to the fact that the student missed the assessment, the student can write on the re-assessment date or another scheduled assessment date pre-arranged by their Administrator.

5.1.4 Scheduled/ communicated assessment dates are compulsory.

5.1.5 Note that an assessment will only be arranged in an outlying area should an assessment already be scheduled in that region. Assessment dates will be communicated per programme.

5.1.6 Any assessments missed/ deferred will be regarded as an official attempt, unless proof of a valid reason is provided.

5.2 Higher Education Qualifications

5.2.1 A student will have to complete the qualification in the time indicated as the duration of the qualification plus two years. Failing to complete it in this period of time, will necessitate re-application for the qualification.

5.2.2 A student will have one semester to complete a module. There are minimum Exam Entry Requirements for each qualification. If a student does not meet these requirements, the student will need to re-register for the module in the following Semester.

5.2.3 If a student does not submit his/ her formative assessment on the date communicated, without a valid reason**, the student will not be permitted to write the summative assessment and the student will need to re-register for the module. If a student is not able to attend an assessment date as scheduled, he/ she must provide their Administrator with the reason at least 12 (twelve) working days before the scheduled assessment (if possible), or within 5 working days after the assessment in the case of illness.

5.2.4 Note that an assessment will only be arranged in an outlying area should an assessment already be scheduled in that region. Assessment dates will be communicated per programme.

5.2.5 Changes to examination venue can only be done with 12 or more days’ notice prior to the examination date (the re-scheduling fee will apply). No examination venue changes can be affected within 12 days prior to the examination. If the examination is still missed as a result of this, the student will not be permitted to write the Supplementary assessment and the student will need to re-register for the module.

5.2.6 A student that elects to write the Summative Assessment online, who decide to write at an Exam Venue instead, can be requested to refund MBSE for the online proctoring fee incurred. This fee is indicated in Annexure A.

5.3 Occupational Qualifications

5.3.1 A student has the published duration on the Programme Schedule to complete a particular module/ Cycle. Extension beyond the published date must be applied for in writing to the Qualification Administrator for referral to the Day Management Committee (DMC). Extension is only granted based on merit, including taking a student’s overall performance on the qualification (past and current modules) in consideration. Where supporting documents are submitted**, special concessions may apply.

5.3.2 Re-registration for a module/ Cycle, paying the applicable fees, are required where extension on the time-frame is not granted.

5.3.3 The maximum time-frame for each Occupational Qualification is determined by the roll-over of a maximum of two EISA periods. For example, if you are finished with the formative, and qualify for a May EISA, and defer to a November EISA, you can only roll it over one last time to the following year’s May EISA.  Thereafter, re-registration for the qualification, paying the relevant fees may be required.

5.4 All Qualifications

5.4.1 A student will be required to provide positive identification when collecting a qualification certificate.

5.4.2 MBSE will not be held liable for any postal, mailing/ couriering of letters and/or certificates. Letters will be e-mailed and certificates can be collected at MBSE’s office. A student may instruct a courier to collect his/her certificate/ documentation at his/ her own cost. MBSE will not be held liable for any damages or loss of above mentioned. MBSE does however take every precaution to prevent any damage in transit.

**Valid reasons for missing an Assessment include:

a) Illness of the student – a medical certificate needs to be submitted as proof.

b) Death of a family member – the death certificate needs to be submitted as proof.

c) Exceptional circumstances outside of the student’s control – a Police Affidavit needs to be submitted as proof.

6. Plagiarism

6.1 MBSE emphasises integrity and ethical behaviour with regards to the preparation of all formative- and summative assessments submitted for academic evaluation. Students who are found guilty of plagiarism by an assessor and supported by a moderator will forfeit all credits for the assessment(s) concerned.

6.2 In addition, the matter will be referred to:

6.2.1 The Day Management Committee (DMC) for disciplinary action to be taken;

6.2.2 The applicable Quality Assurance Sub-framework.

6.3 When a student is found guilty of copying and/ or plagiarism, the moderation and all other costs will be for the student’s account, the module/ qualification will not be awarded to the student.

6.4 Plagiarism is considered a serious violation of MBSE’s regulations and may lead to your suspension from the Moonstone Business School of Excellence, without any refund.

6.5 A student will be found guilty of plagiarism when he/she extracts information from a book, article, web page or any other information source without acknowledging the source, and/or pretends that it is his/her own work. This does not only apply to cases where you quote verbatim, but also when you present someone else’s work in a somewhat amended (paraphrased) format, or when you use someone else’s arguments or ideas without MBSE Terms and Conditions V2023.2 the necessary acknowledgement. You are also guilty of plagiarism if you copy and paste information directly from an electronic source (e.g. website, e-mail message, electronic journal article, or CD ROM), without paraphrasing it or placing it in quotation marks, even if you acknowledge the source. You are not allowed to submit another student’s previous work as your own. You are furthermore not allowed to let anyone copy or use your work with the intention of presenting it as his/ her own.

7. Results

7.1 All results, assessed by our assessors, are subject to moderation, and/ or internal audits

8. Protection of Personal Information (POPI)

8.1 The Parties recognise that the results of assessments and various other information as may be obtained and/ or shared under this agreement constitute students’ personal information as contemplated in the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013. The student and MBSE undertake to comply with the provisions of the said legislation and/or any other applicable laws regulating the collection, use and processing of students’ personal information.

8.2 MBSE will thus not share a student’s personal details with a third party, unless:

8.2.1 The third party is any of our regulatory bodies, including but not limited to INSETA, the CHE, DHET, QCTO, SAQA and the relevant Professional Bodies.

8.2.2 The student has granted permission in writing for information to be shared with third party. Such permission must also be revoked in writing by the student.

8.2.3 Information sharing between companies within the Moonstone Group.

8.3 MBSE reserves the right to verify a student’s identity before providing any information. This will be applicable to all communication channels.

8.4 “Personal Information” (PI) shall mean the race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, national or ethnic origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental health, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth of a person; information relating to the education or the medical, financial, criminal or employment history of the person; any identifying number, symbol, email address, physical address, telephone number, location information, online identifier or other particular assignment to the person; the biometric information of the person; the personal opinions, views or preferences of the person; correspondence sent by the person that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature or further correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence; the views or opinions of another individual about the person whether the information is recorded electronically or otherwise.

9. General

9.1 Any parking fees incurred at any of the assessment/ training centres, will be for the student’s own account.

9.2 No refreshments will be provided at any workshop or assessment session.

9.3 Study material, assessments, as well as workshops will only be provided in English.

9.4 All personal tutorial sessions with an MBSE lecturer must be arranged via the Administrator.

9.5 No viewing of any summative assessment will be allowed. The process of re-marking and/ or appeals procedure must be followed.

DISCLAIMER: MBSE will endeavour to prepare the student for the assessments to be completed and submitted. MBSE can therefore not be held responsible if the student fails any assessment. In addition, if a student’s studies carry over to a new Academic Year, they are automatically bound by the Terms and Conditions and fees applicable to the new Academic Year. If a query on a matter is raised, the version of the Terms and Conditions apply that is active at that given time of when the query is raised.


1. The course fees differ for each qualification.

Qualification Fees

E-learning Mode of delivery and unit of teaching


Incl VAT

Application Fee (non-refundable)


Higher Certificate in Wealth Management (NQF 5)

Per module (5 modules)


Advanced Certificate in Financial Planning (NQF 6)

Per module (5 modules)


FETC: Short Term Insurance (NQF 4)

Per Skills Programme (SP) (5 SP’s)


FETC: Wealth Management (NQF 4)

Per Skills Programme (SP) (5 SP’s)


OC: Professional Principal Executive Officer (NQF 7)

Per Part (2 Parts)


OC: Compliance Officer (NQF 6)

Per Semester (4 Semester)


Higher Certificate in Short Term Insurance (NQF5)

Per module (6 modules)


Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (NQF8)

Per module (4 modules)


2. Additional fees could apply

2.1. Subsequent Supplementary Assessment:



Further Education



2.1.1. Formative Assessment – Online Quiz




2.1.2. Formative Assessment – Assignment




2.1.3. Formative Assessment – POE


R385 (per u/s)


2.1.4. Summative Assessment




2.2 Re-Schedule of Assessment




2.3 Credit Analysis




2.4 Concession Application




2.5 Re-mark Formative Assessment




2.6 Re-Mark Summative Assessment




2.7 Appeal (Fee to be refunded if appeal is upheld)




2.8 Certificate Re-print and Courier




2.9 Courier fee (Prior to 2022 registrations)




2.10 Special Needs: Oral Assessment

Request Fee

Request Fee

Request Fee

2.11 KM Re-registrations




2.12 PM Re-registrations




2.13 WM Re-registrations per module




3. Any modules that are not passed within a calendar year will result in re-registration in the new academic year at an increased fee.


1. Supplementary Assessments (Summative and Formative):  

If you have a valid reason for not attending the assessment, please apply to the Day Management Committee (DMC)  via your Administrator as soon as possible/ once you are in possession of the information so that a decision may be  made regarding the deferral of the examination. Kindly include all supporting documentation e.g. Medical certificate  for illness, death certificate for death in the family etc. 


2. Re-mark and Appeal  

MBSE recognises that, from time to time, the student being assessed may not be satisfied with the result of the  assessment conducted. MBSE makes provision for two separate processes in order to deal with these complaints:  

Re-mark process  

- MBSE requires all students to formally apply for a remark and pay the applicable fee.  - The assessor will re-mark the student’s assessment and formal feedback is provided to the student by the  administrator.  

- If the student is still not satisfied with the result of the re-mark, he/she will be able to lodge an appeal.  

Appeals process  

- MBSE requires all students to formally apply for an appeal and pay the applicable fee.  - The moderator (as stipulated) will re-mark the student’s assessment and formal feedback will be provided to  the student by the administrator.  

- If the matter is still not resolved, the student can formally write to the MBSE Day Management Committee  (DMC) for further action.  

Note that the fee paid for the re-mark and/or appeal will only be refunded if the assessment decision is overturned  to indicate a pass instead of a fail.  

Where a student is attempting any assessment for the second or third time, no re-marks on any previous assessment attempts will be allowed.  

All requests for re-marks or appeals must be submitted to MBSE on the required application form (with proof of  payment of the required fee) within 10 (ten) working days of release of results. 


3. Special Needs  

Provisions are made for students with disabilities. This may include dyslexia, blindness, partially sightedness or those  with dexterity impediments.  

If a student is disabled or has a condition which he/she believes should be taken into consideration in assessing his/her  examination performance, he/she should notify MBSE in writing, enclosing medical evidence such as a doctor’s  letter/report. Applications without medical evidence will not be considered. Students must make any special needs known  to MBSE upon registration.  

The application should accompany the students’ examination entry so that timeous provision can be made for the  student. MBSE will hold the students’ medical evidence on file, but the student must submit a written reminder before  each subsequent assessment for which the student registers.


1. Re-assessments:  

Formative re-assessment:  


Limited to 2 (two) workbook assessments per Skills Programme and failing to PASS you will have to re-register  and pay for the Skills Programme again.  

For example:  

1st Submission = 1 attempt  

2nd Submission (Re-assessment 1) = 2nd attempt  

Summative re-assessment (Closed-book examination):  

Limited to 2 (two) summative assessments per Skills-/Learning Programme and failing to PASS, you will have to  reregister and pay for the Skills Programme again.  

For example:  

1st Summative assessment = 1 attempt  

2nd Summative assessment (Re-assessment 1) = 2nd attempt  

2. Re-Scheduling  

A student may apply to re-schedule (or get an extension for) an assessment if an acceptable valid reason exists to  prevent the student from attending/handing in on the scheduled date.  

Students must apply to MBSE in writing on the required application form (with proof of payment of the required  fee) at least 12 (twelve) working days prior to the scheduled date.  

In cases of unforeseen circumstances that are out of the student’s control, the student must apply to MBSE in  writing on the required application form (with proof of payment of the required fee) as soon as possible.  

All requests will be considered by the Day Management Committee (DMC) and the student will be notified of the  outcome by the administrator.  

3. Bridging Examination  

The bridging examination details will be communicated to the student during the registration process.  4. Credit Analysis  

A fee will be charged for a credit analysis to be completed prior to Application Approval to determine which unit  standards can be offered in order for a student to obtain a full qualification. Should the student decide to continue  his/her studies with us, the analysis fee will be credited towards the first registration. 

5. CAT Application 

A CAT (Credit Accumulation Transfer) application request may be submitted once all of the applicable Unit Standards  have been completed towards the FETC qualifications and a student qualifies for the language/mathematic  exemptions. The application will be submitted for verification with INSETA. 


1. Re-assessments:  

E-learning Assessments/ Portfolios of Evidence/ Practical Assignments:  

Students who fail any assessment more than the allowed number of attempts on any of our Occupational  Qualifications, or who need to complete a supplementary assignment in order to pass the module, will need to pay  the applicable re-assessment fee. 


Law and Arbitration

These General Terms are governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Any dispute arising in relation to these General Terms shall, to the extent permitted by law, be referred to arbitration in Cape Town at a venue of our choice applying the Uniform Rules of the High Court of South Africa.